Carmina Magazine (September 16, 2023)
Circling the Void (short story)
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Corvus Review (Spring/Summer 2023 Issue 20)
Good Dirt I (short story)
Issue 20 PDF
HauntedMTL (December 21, 2022)
The Bloom (flash fiction)
Write a review on Goodreads
Hallowzine (October 31, 2022 - Issue 3)
The Hag (flash fiction)
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Bowery Gothic (September 1, 2022 - Edition VII Summer 2022)
Mara (short story)
The Molotov Cocktail (July 1, 2022 - Flash Feast Mega Issue )
Good Dirt II
Placed No. 5 in the contest
The Wild Hunt (July 27, 2020 - Issue 2 - Is it Safe?)
Morforwyn (flash fiction)
The Molotov Cocktail (January 31, 2020 - Volume 10, Issue 12)
Detached (flash fiction)
Timeless Tales Magazine (August 15, 2019 - Pandora’s Box - 3rd Edition)
Rape Kits (poem)
Purchase the Pandora Box issue on Amazon/Kindle
The Molotov Cocktail (May 20, 2019 - Flash Legend Mega Issue )
The Eyes (flash fiction)
Placed No. 4 in the contest
Purchase the Prize Winners Anthology Vol. 5 on Amazon
The Molotov Cocktail (April 9, 2019 - Issue 10.1 )
Nocnitsa (flash fiction)
Timeless Tales Magazine (December 20, 2016 - Issue # 7 - The Snow Queen)
The World is Inside (short story)
Purchase the Snow Queen issue on Amazon/Kindle
Timeless Tales Magazine (November 15, 2015 - Issue # 5 - Baba Yaga)
Home is where the bone is (short story)
Purchase the Baba Yaga issue on Amazon/Kindle
Umbrella Factory Magazine (Issue 21 - September 15, 2015)
I should have done something, Fern, Pipe Dream, Daughter Decay & rummy (5 poems)
Niteblade (final issue # 33 - September 2015)
Purchase The Island of Crows Issue on Amazon/Kindle
Uppagus (Issue 12 - June 2015)
view from the immortal turnpike (poem)
Gingerbread House (April 2015)
The Rusalka (poem)
Dark Matter Journal (Issue 6 - February 2015)
Red Shift (poem)
Cordite Poetry Review (Issue 49: OBSOLETE - February 2015)
Nostalgia half-life (poem)
Poetry Is Dead (Issue Ten, "Future", November 2014 )
the proper disposal procedure (poem)
You can only pick up the F/U/T/U/R/E Issue #10 by subscribing for a year.
Your subscription will start with this issue. Poetry is Dead did a limited edition print run though, so after they sell out, you are out of luck.
Update: Sadly this poetry journal appears to be dead.
Synchronized Chaos (November 2014 issue)
Darkened matter, Déjà vu & the second-raters (3 poems)
Angle Poetry (October 2, 2014)
Daddy Longlegs (poem)
Eunoia Review (July 15 & 16 2014)
Disclaimer and steamed milk (2 poems)
Poppy Road Review (July 13, 2014)
A Diagram (poem)
Purchase the Poppy Road Review, Annual Edition 2014 on Amazon
Green Hills Literary Lantern (Volume 25, July 2014)
The Audition (short story)
Archived Copy
Blue Monday Review (May 2014)
Yellow polka-dot swimsuit (poem)
You can also see a reading of this poem on YouTube around the 2:45 mark
And on MAKAR’s YouTube Channel here
Purchase the Issue 2 (May 2014) on Amazon/Kindle
Rust + Moth (Spring 2014 issue)
moth-eaten (poem)
You can read the poem at this link:
Archived Copy
You can also buy the issue in print if you crave the feel of something more permanent.
And on Amazon on the Kindle
I also read half of this poem at the MoMA in 2023 - video to come soon
East Coast Literary Review (Spring 2014 issue)
Instructions (poem)
UFO Gigolo (March 23, 2014)
Magnetic, seven minutes & Flattened (3 poems)
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The Camel Saloon (March 6, 2014)
You Are Here (poem)
and a photograph of a yellow bike
Archived Copy - poem
Archived Copy - photo
Salome Magazine (February 17, 2014)
Lamia (poem)
Tin House - Flash Fridays (January 3, 2014)
Leda (flash fiction)
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The Shout #2 (December 2012)
in the sink of the undigested morning (poem)
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2 AM Project (March 2012)
Before We Knew You Were Dead (poem)
Archived Copy - page 8
SENTENTIA # 4 (March 2012)
This is the What She Said: The All Women Writers Issue
Dinner at Bona Fides (short story)
Umbrella Factory Magazine Issue # 8 (December 2011)
Two poems Cecilia and Barcelona
Red Fez Issue # 38 (September 2011)
Take (poem)
Archived Copy
Ditch poetry (September 2010)
mis-seeing (poem)
Heavy Bear (February 2010)
Three poems - Self-Portrait, Gadjo and trip-wired jaw
Calliope Nerve (December 2009)
Two poems - Second Sight and Winter Lust
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The Blue Jew Yorker (Issue #7, December 2009)
Summer Amnesia (Anemic Winter) (poem)
Broken link - you will need to imagine these poems until they appear elsewhere
Paradigm (December 2009)
Dreamleak (poem)
Sadly Paradigm appears to be no more. Time is a killer.
Ginosko Literary Journal (Issue #9, November 2009)
One story - Raw, 2 poems - Rooms, Askew
Archive Copy
Bolts of Silk (November 2009)
A Universe of Leaves (poem)
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Clockwise Cat (Issue #15, October 2009)
Two poems - Again Again and Cyclone Cellar
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Word Riot (October 2009)
Three poems - Erase-stick, As a child and Every Day is Now
Denver Syntax Issue 18 (Fall 2009)
Pennyroyal (poem)
Galleys Online Premiere Issue (October 2009)
Lulu in Chicago (Lilith) (poem)
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Writers' Bloc (Rutgers) #4 (October 2009)
Two poems – Double-Spacing Curiosity and Grays of Memory
Defunct & passed into the ether
mud luscious Issue 9 (October 2009)
Dumb-Dumb Bird (flash fiction)
Sadly, this website appears defunct, you’ll have to wait for the remix
The Battered Suitcase (September 2009)
Three poems - Atonal, The Rememberer and The Forgetting Curve
Purchase the September 2009 issue on Amazon/Kindle
Zygote in My Coffee (July and May 2009)
Two poems:
Slammed Drunk in Issue 122 on July 20, 2009
Asphyxiated Blue in Issue 117 on May 20, 2009
Zygote in My Coffee (often referred to simply as Zygote) was a popular underground independent print and online magazine that ran from December 31, 2003 until May 30, 2010, which dealt mostly in experimental and "street" poetry.
The KaKofonie (July 2009)
Mussolini’s minds (poetry)
Archived Copy above because website appears defunct.
Monkeybicycle (June 2009)
One-sentence story - Nikkita
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If it’s only one sentence you surely have time to read it.
50 to 1 (June 2009)
Shiny and New (50 word story)
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Frostwriting (May 2009)
September is over (poem)
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the blackhole in the internet thinks poetry is delicious
Dogmatika (April 2009)
Someone was trying to bee-bee gun the cat (Short story)
AD: This short was actually part of my novel Pushed at one point.
Sadly, this site is being slowly eaten by the internet.
Six Sentences (April 2009)
Children are always beautiful (flash fiction)
Sadly, this site is defunct.
Terracotta Typewriter (April 2009)
Her poem Drinking Wine was published in the very first issue.
This is inspired and rooted in this famous poem
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Salome Magazine (April 2009)
Two poems:
Beatrice was published in the April 6, 2009 issue.
We Shall Drown You in the Sea was published in the April 27, 2009 issue.
Sadly, this site appears defunct.
Flutter Poetry Journal (April 2009)
Vivid (poem)
Sadly, this site appears defunct.
Archived Copy
Mad Swirl (April and March 2009)
Six poems - Hatchet, Celluloid Angel, Elle-maid, There are questions I will never ask you, Go Away and Skulk
They seem to have removed their archive. Time is tricky.
Gloom Cupboard Issue 84 (March 2009)
A house of dreams (poem)
Sadly, this site is defunct.
Archived Copy - see page 5
Hit and Run Magazine (March 2009)
Earthquake Transfer (poem collage)
Sadly this publication is now defunct. But you can see the accepted piece as a picture below.
Earthquake transfer